Welcome to a New Style of Newsletter from Unbounce!

3 min readMay 3, 2017

Hi everyone! My name’s Alexa 👋 and I’m Unbounce’s Customer Communications Specialist. I’ll be your trusted advisor on everything Unbounce!

Every month, the newsletter includes all the best content and updates to help you do better marketing with Unbounce. It also features the work of an Unbounce designer— this month’s issue is designed by the talented Alejandra Porta.

As I’m sure you’ve noticed, there’s been a lot going on here at Unbounce HQ this month.

Expanding Beyond Landing Pages

We officially launched Convertables in February after months of beta testing with customers like you (P.S. RIP Embeddable CTAs 💀).

We use Convertables a lot in our own campaigns and to be honest, the learning curve has been steep! So you can learn from all our mistakes, Angus, our resident overlay expert, wrote this blog post explaining everything we learned from over 2 million overlay visits.

New Pricing and Published Pages

Updated pricing went out into the world in March, and for some of you, that means you’ll need to unpublish some of your pages.

We went through an internal process recently to cull landing pages and we unpublished over 500 pages as part of round one but those pages still have the occasional dribble of traffic.

At first, we thought we’d need to set up redirects for each page. Not fun. BUT THEN WE REMEMBERED 404 PAGES.

  1. We duplicated our most current (and highest performing) generic landing page and published that as the 404 (check it out at try.unbounce.com/i-love-404s).
  2. Then all we had to do was bulk unpublish the pages with low traffic (which we checked via Google Analytics). What we thought was going to take a couple of days ended up being done in an afternoon.

Creating 404s is super easy, just publish any landing page to your non-Wordpress subdomain “/404”. The great thing is that you then only have to keep that one page updated. 👍

The CTA Conference Countdown is ON

In only two months, Call To Action Conference is going down here in beautiful Vancouver. There’s awesome events, tons of networking opportunities and the best part? The all-star speaker lineup with the brightest minds in conversion optimization, marketing, copywriting, content, pay-per-click, analytics and more.

If you’re coming, get pumped. And if you haven’t bought your ticket yet, you should. (Seriously you won’t regret it).

Send Your Lead Data Anywhere You Choose

You might’ve noticed that you can now add up to 10 webhooks to each of your landing pages and Convertables. This means you can connect way more of your other tools to your Unbounce content. Awww yeah!

That’s all for this month folks, see you in June!

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Build high-converting landing pages, popups and sticky bars for your marketing campaigns without developers. Talking marketing, tech, and Canadian goodness.